Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Waterfront Ducks

Temperatures are rising and snow is melting at a furious rate.

Just as a receding glacier leaves newly formed lakes in its wake, so have the mountains of snow left new lakes and ponds in our neck of the woods. Rather than occupying fissures carved out between mountain peaks, the lakes in our area are covering what used to be fields and farmland.

I spotted a pair of ducks swimming in what had just a few weeks ago been thirty odd acres of recently plowed field. Mr. Mallard seemed particularly pleased with himself - head held high as he paddled with bold strokes of his webbed feet.

I could imagine what the drake was saying to his mate. You see, Martha, I told you this was prime real estate. You squawked at me when I chose this field as a nesting place. Now look. Waterfront property.

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