Monday, March 22, 2010

Backin' Up the Breakers

It seems Spring Breakers are going to get a taste of new airport security measures. The heightened security measures have airlines recommending passengers arrive at the airport 75 minutes prior to domestic flight departures and 3 hours prior to international departures.

Obviously the folks who picked this time of year to implement the increased security aren't raising young adults. If they had just made it through their offspring's teenage years, the security folks would know that the last thing you want to do is bottle up a bunch of party happy students in a small space. A small space being any area smaller than a football stadium.

Because what's going to happen is - chaos. In fact this might just be a new definition to include in the next printing of the Webster's dictionary. Chaos - the fallout from the ill advised restraining of hordes of college students on their way to party destinations.

I can't help but wonder how many times a discretely placed body piercing is going to trigger an alarm leading to a full body search.

It might all be worth it if the result would be a truly safer travel experience. But let's face it. If some demented individual is determined to cause havoc they will find a way to succeed.

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