Sunday, March 31, 2013

First Hunt

It was our granddaughter's first Easter and her mother, Media Girl, had strategically placed plastic eggs about the house for her daughter to find.

It took a little coaxing but our granddaughter who,  for purposes of identity protection, is known in my blog posts as Miss Grabby Fingers, finally spotted a pink plastic egg hidden in plain sight at the base of a kitchen cabinet.  Shifting her wobbling walk into high gear, Miss Grabby Fingers snatched the egg from the floor with a squeal of accomplishment.

Clutching the egg protectively against her stomach, Miss Grabby Fingers looked generally surprised when not a single adult swooped down to say uh.uh, uh, don't touch that.  Surprise turned to delight when Media Girl clapped her hands in praise of Miss Grabby Fingers' discovery; and Miss Grabby Fingers was off like the proverbial Easter Bunny in search of the other obviously placed yellow, blue, and red prizes. Every find was rewarded with exclamations of praise which soon had Miss Grabby Fingers raising her hands over her head in gestures of victory.

Of course every good deed has its paybacks.  The payback for encouraging Miss Grabby Fingers to snatch those eggs from the floor was that for the rest of the day knick-knacks disappeared from bookcases and end tables at an alarming rate.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Reptilian Invitation

The tree had started life near a rock.  As the tree had grown, its roots had spread in teepee fashion so that solid trunk didn't start for several feet above the ground.  In the months leading up to the March equinox, fallen leaves had collected in the web of roots.

The boy lay face down on the rock, grateful for the solar energy it had absorbed, and extended one hand toward the mound of leaves.  Working carefully, starting at the front and gradually moving deeper, the boy pulled the leaves free.  He had no idea what he was digging for but was certain something waited to be discovered.

That something proved to be a salamander. The small reptile quivered in surprise and then inched toward the boy's face.

Are you ready for an adventure? the salamander asked. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Never Say It

It was just me and two women in the office building elevator and I was doing my best not to eavesdrop on their conversation.  Short of putting my fingers in my ears and singing la-la-la-la, there was little I could do to keep from hearing. Still, I did my best to tune them out.

 Until I heard.  This is absolutely the worst day I have ever had. It doesn't get any worse than this.

It was at that moment that a loud buzzing filled the elevator. Our descent came to a halt, and after a tense couple of moments the doors opened on the 2nd floor.  Only there was no one waiting on the 2nd floor and the only button illuminated on the panel inside the elevator was "L".

We had just enough time to through each other questioning looks before a recorded voice came through speakers everywhere.   A fire has been reported in the building. Please go to the nearest exit. Do not use the elevators.

Forget what I said about the day couldn't get any worse, the one woman said.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Promise

He sat on the concrete steps basking in the afternoon sun. It seemed forever since he had last felt warmth radiate up from the ground. His brown paper bag contained a roast beef sandwich, pickle, and a can of soda. Two weeks ago he would have frowned at the contents wishing instead for a bowl of hot soup. Today it seemed the perfect picnic lunch.

He peeled back the wax paper, the sound reminding him of the dry leaves that had rustled in the wind five months prior. Now some of the trees on the mall showed the first sign of green tips.

The hiss of carbonation escaping the soda can made him think of the decorative fountains that would soon be turned on again.

With a sigh of relief he felt he could finally turn his back on the months that had caused his joints to ache so badly.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Return of Happy Days

Happy days are here again
We're gon'na move the clocks ahead again
Life will exist after work again
Happy days are here again.

Whew, we've survived the darkest, dreariest time of year. Soon our nostrils will be flaring to catch the scent of beef, chicken, and fish sizzling on backyard barbecue grills. We'll tune our ears to the sound of lawn mowers coughing to life and kids shouting at one another to play ball.

We'll go for walks and bike rides after dinner rather than flopping into overstuffed chairs and all of us will thrill to the jingle of the approaching ice cream truck.

Windows will be thrown open and fresh breezes will drive winter mustiness out of homes everywhere.

We'll be digging sun block out of medicine cabinets and driving pointed umbrella poles into the sand.

Yes indeed, happy days are back again. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It's Tonight

If ever a night was made for witches and banshees it's tonight.

Beyond the safety of these four walls heavy clouds race across the sky - either driven by or fleeing from winds that roar of destruction.

Street lights are reflected a hundred times by puddles of water, puddles rippling with churning crests whipped by the same winds that chase the clouds.

Absent are the few creatures that venture forth in the night at this time of year. They have forsaken foraging and hunting in favor of the safe comfort of their dens. A wise move on their part for surely Death stalks in the shifting shadows of bending trees and flapping flags.

If ever there was a night to hang cloves of garlic in windows it's tonight.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Hug Today

There comes a time in life when you realize the memories you've made outnumber the new memories you'll have the opportunity to make.

It's at this point that I suspect a lot of people begin asking the question: What have I done with my life?

I know.  I'm there.

And while there is no single momentous event I can point to and say I changed the world, I have come to a realization.

Few of us have the opportunity to make earth-shattering headlines, but many of us change the world none-the-less.

Any person who can dwell in memories of holding  a new-born infant, embracing a loving spouse, attending a child's graduation, welcoming a child's spouse, and kissing a grandchild has made a lasting impression on the world.

Regardless of where you might be in the timeline of life, take the time to hug someone. Make the world a better place.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spring Reveal

Jays in their uniforms of multi-hued blue stood like sentinels at the garden gate.

Behind the fence platoons of red breasted robins strutted amidst green fingers of rejuvenated daffodils and hyacinths.

Periodically a robin paused to snatch a morsel from the thawed earth.

Periodically a jay called out to flocks migrating northward overhead.

Nature's advance forces busily preparing for the Spring reveal.