Friday, October 3, 2008

Dogs at the Beach

We spend a lot of time in the town of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. As the name suggests, the town is a beach community.

When it is not prime sunbathing season, Rehoboth Beach does a great job of keeping tourists coming in by hosting all kinds of special events. The event for the days of October 10 through 13 is Greyhounds Reach the Beach.

If you are a dog lover and live near enough to Rehoboth Beach for a weekend excursion, you might want to check it out.

What started as a Greyhounds only event has grown to include all breeds of dogs. The weekend is such a huge draw that local businesses make a special point of catering to it.

Seriously, there are dogs everywhere. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a dog.

Nearly every store and restaurant keeps a bowl of fresh water outside their doors. Most shops have freebie dog treats inside, and several restaurants with the proper seating arrangements welcome canine companions this one weekend of the year.

For more information on the event you can go to
Once in the site, you might want to start by clicking on their press site link.