Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tomatoes & Fruitcake

It was a disappointing season in my backyard vegetable garden this year. My normally green thumb morphed to brown. The tomato plants were lackluster at best and the pepper plants never managed to grow beyond eighteen inches in height.

So I didn't experience the normal pangs of regret when I cut all the plants back and pulled out the roots this past weekend. It wasn't like I was marking the end of a plentiful season.

I'll miss Motivated Mom's homemade spaghetti sauce over the post-summer months. Usually we manage to "put up" at least a couple dozen jars. This year, nothing.

Still, there's other things to look forward to - like the fruitcakes I 'll start baking in another six weeks.

Right now College Dude is rolling his eyes at the mention of those fruitcakes. He believes them to be good for nothing more than a door stop. I keep telling myself that one day he will develop an educated palate and recognize the cakes for the culinary delights that they are.

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