Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Old Vs. New

I have been paying for my sins recently.

There have been a plethora of computer issues in our home recently and I have spent more than my fair share of time on the phone with technical support people whose dialects make understanding of tech-speak all the more difficult.

Today I was getting Queen B's computer rigged up for wireless internet communication.

I think Queen B is just a little intimidated by the idea of computer data beaming past her head while she sits at her keyboard. - I have to give her credit for her willingness to learn though - not all seventy-eight year old's go through withdraw if they can't e-mail daily.

With the help of a techno-geek on the other end of the phone line, we got Queen B streaming.

Queen B signed onto her e-mail account. For some reason the screen displays differently than it did when Queen B was using a DSL connection (don't ask me what DSL means - I have no idea - I only know it's different than wireless).

Queen B was a little put off the screen change and set about e-mailing with a certain trepidation.

Relax, I said, The worst that can happen is you'll turn off the power to all of Sussex County.

I'm sure she felt much better after that.

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