Sunday, December 14, 2008

Seagull Encounter

I took a stroll on the beach today. One of the things I enjoy most about living so close to the beach is that I can usually find time for a short walk along the ocean between chores and errands. It is a little gift from the universe that I never fail to appreciate.

I noticed a very young seagull sitting in an overturned horseshoe crab shell. Two thoughts struck me simultaneously. The seagull looked cute as a button sitting in his little sand sled, and, I could not remember having seen a baby seagull before. I guess seagulls must give birth to their young in the fall so that by the following summer all the birds are full grown.

With the realization that it was a baby I was looking at, I wondered where mother was.

Ah, that would be the very large seagull with mottled plumage standing just at the edge of my vision - and looking like she was quite willing to embed the tip of her beak in the top of my head.

I figured standing still was my best option.

The baby seagull apparently decided I was not a threat and went back to picking the remains of the crab from the shell. After a few minutes the little seagull was satiated.

Baby and mom then flew off and I was able to resume my stroll.

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