Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Overlooked or over pitched?

The entrance to the new development was elaborate. Raised flower beds were filled with day lilies sporting orange blossoms, hyacinths with purple flowers, and pansies displaying all of the primary colors. On opposite sides of the entrance, gracefully arched walls faced with field stone rose up behind the flowers. In the center of each wall was a bronze plaque with the words Overlook Estates.

My curiosity was piqued. I flipped on my right turn signal and followed the curving drive into the development.

I was no more than twenty yards in when I slammed on my brakes, shifted into reverse, and backed up far enough to double check the name of the development. Yep, Overlook Estates.

Thing is, the area surrounding the elaborate houses was farm country. From the second floor of their homes folks would have an unbroken view of the horizon some twenty miles away.

Which left me wondering just exactly what the estates overlooked. Groundhog dens? Rabbit burrows? Underground springs? Those were the only things I could think of that would be lower than the homes themselves.

I guess Cornfield View just doesn't work well for a sales pitch.

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