Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

There are few things in life that are both as challenging and rewarding as being a father.

When a child first enters the world, it is humbling and frightening to think that as a father you are responsible for another life.

A child's first steps are a joy to watch - but when that child uses newly learned motored skills to unexpectedly disappear from sight, as a father you learn a new level of anxiety.

Sitting on the floor building towers from blocks, dressing dolls in an endless array of clothing, reading books, shaping Play Dough, bath times, bed time rituals, all of these things build a bond that, as a father, you are certain will last forever.

Then come the first day of school, the first job, the first car, the first apartment... and physical distance tests the strength of the bond thought to be unbreakable. Suddenly it seems there had been too few towers built, too few stories shared, too few good night kisses.

To those fathers with babies and toddlers at home - value every minute shared.

To those fathers with children soon entering school - be sure to continue to make time available to them.

To fathers with children going off to college, jobs, and apartments - don't look back - what's done is done - hopefully you gave your best along the way - be proud of your child for even the smallest of his or her achievements.


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