Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Passing on the Car

I was about to get a new car - free of charge - but I didn't want it.

I was following one of those car carriers. You've seen them I'm sure. A tractor trailer pulling a double-decker contraption that looks like something put together from an erector set that the giant at the top of the beanstalk might have played with.

The car carrier, loaded with shiny new vehicles, was being buffeted by relatively strong cross winds. The rear most section of the top layer on the car carrier (the section that lowers so the upper cars can be loaded on and off) was swaying alarmingly from side to side.

Perched on that swaying rear rear panel was an SUV with its nose pointed straight down at me.

It was surely only a matter of time before that brand-spankin'-new SUV landed on the front hood of my own car.

Speed limit be danged, I punched the gas pedal, passed the carrier, and never looked back.

Some other unsuspecting driver was welcome to the new car.

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