Friday, April 30, 2010

Captivating Loss

Now look what I've gone and done. Totally lost my train of thought. Logged on to the internet to start my blog, detoured to another project, checked in on Facebook conversations, and now, well.... that captivating blog post has evaporated back into the creative ether.

And captivating it was going to be too. One of my best yet. A real white knuckle read guaranteed to have readers skipping ahead to the end to see how everything turned out.

Dozens of microwave packets of popcorn and multiple six packs of frosty beer would have been consumed by readers as they devoured every word.

It was all going to start on a dark and stormy night, and end with a broad shouldered hero riding in on a white stallion to rescue a fair skinned maiden from the clutches of a dark cloaked villain. - A truly unique approach to crafting a tale, you must admit.

Perhaps it will all come back to me in time for the next post.

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