Monday, April 12, 2010

Bottled Time

If I could save time in a bottle...

When that song was a hit back in the day I should have undertaken to do just that.

Save time in a bottle.

' Cause I could use some of it right now - time that is.

I was drafting an e-mail to the local literary community this evening - my monthly reminder that I was working on the next update of the Delmarva literary calendar. It struck me that it seemed no more than a week since I had sent out my last reminder. Was it really possible a full thirty days had passed?

All of which got me to remembering back to when I was in grade school and a month was the next closest thing to eternity. Eternity, of course, being a year.

If I had bottled some of those eternal summer days back then perhaps I could now periodically spill a little of the bottle's contents and buy myself an extra week here and there.

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