Thursday, November 19, 2009

When Weekends Aren't Weekends

It's a big adjustment adjusting to weekends not being weekends.

It's an even bigger adjustment when your spouse doesn't have to make the adjustment.

My world involves working Saturdays and Sundays on a regular basis while Motivated Mom still calls those days her own.

To me Saturdays and Sundays are now just other days in the work week. My days off in the week come one at a time - sometimes not at all. I carry a daytimer at all times just to know what time in the week it is.

It has given me a whole new appreciation of people who work in 24/7 service industries.

It has also helped me to appreciate that time is relative. One day blends into another, days disappear into weeks, weeks meld into months, and soon the better part of a year has passed without mile markers.

I know there is a holiday season approaching, I'm not sure if I will recognize its arrival.

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