Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Enlightened State

Those of you who remember the television show Green Acres, please start humming the tune to the theme song as you read below:

Co-lorado is the place to be.
Co-ountry living is the life for me.
Plains spreadin' out so far and wide.
Keep big cities, just give me that countryside.

Okay you can stop humming now.

I decided Colorado is the place I need to be after learning of job opportunity there. A certain newspaper in that great state is looking for a freelance writer to review the state's marijuana dispensaries.

It seems the enlightened citizens of the noble state of Colorado have approved the legalization of marijuana in certain situations.

And at least one newspaper has decided they need a dedicated individual to keep tabs on how the process grows -er, ah, - goes.

Well move over Bob Woodward, I'm the man for the job.

Of course accurate reporting will require a certain intimacy with the substance in question. Which will make the job all that much easier. After all, who can't wax poetic after sampling some righteous weed?

Yep, pardner. I'm ready to stuff a change of clothes (along with a pack of rolling papers) in my saddlebags and set out for the great state of Colorado. I'm convinced the grass grows greener there.

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