Thursday, April 9, 2009

Standing Proud

I took notice of a nearby barn today. The wood siding, which at one time was no doubt bright and fresh is now a weathered gray.

The weathered siding is not detrimental to the appearance. The barn shows no sign of neglect. The roof doesn't sag, the doors are not hanging askew, and the glass in the windows is not broken.

Rather than announcing the barn needs maintenance, the silver gray siding calls the eye to a sturdy structure that has weathered the years well. Much as a successful person is eyed with respect as his hair begins to silver at the temples.

So if weathered clapboards can earn a building respect, where did we get into the mindset that structures most always sport the brightest, shiniest, man made finishes to be found?

I say hoorah for the stately structures that have endured the years with grace.

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