Monday, April 6, 2009

Green Dawn

Dawn arrived this morning as a pale green glow.

I knew the color was somehow wrong, but wasn't awake enough to figure out why.

Just as I was about to turn from the window, my ears caught a low rumble. Was it distant thunder - or my stomach reminding me it was breakfast time?

Thunder was confirmed by the first raindrop. The raindrop was heavy, sounding like a lead pellet hitting the window. I jumped, half expecting to see a spiderweb crack in the glass.

No crack, but the globule of moisture clung to the glass as a tiny bubble, in defiance of gravity. More drops hit and stuck like the suction cups on the ends of plastic darts. The window glass was beginning to resemble the wavy glass in my great aunt's kitchen cabinets that distorted the objects on the shelves.

Then the rain came in earnest and dawn was lost to a wet, gray haze.

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