Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Moving Game

Time got away from me the past two days and I apologize for the lapse in new posts.

Queen B moved in this weekend. Friday I was at her old home packing the things that had needed to remain accessible for day to day living.

Saturday I was unpacking those very same boxes - and more

I've been doing at lot of packing and unpacking the past few years.

I moved to my current residence just a few years ago. Since then I've helped move College Dude twice, helped Motivated Mom's mother move, and now just finished moving Queen B.

I may just break out in a sweat and collapse to the floor the next time I lay eyes on a roll of clear packing tape.

I should have taken a picture of the most recent tower of boxes and slipped it into my wallet. I should have positioned it so that every time I opened my wallet the picture would be be in plain view.

That tower of boxes would stare me in the face every time I contemplated a new purchase and I would quickly change my mind about adding to my possessions.

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