Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Flying Objects

Flying Objects Ahead

That's not the type of hazard sign I expect to see erected on the shoulder of the road.

My first instinct was to look for tiny silver UFOs racing back and forth overhead.
Silly I know, with all the money the government has supposedly spent squashing the existence of UFOs they wouldn't suddenly start advertising their arrival.

Perhaps then those ugly flying monkeys that did the bidding of the Wicked Witch of the West.
Nope, there was no horde of winged marsupials blocking the sun.

Maybe I was too early. Maybe the flying objects hadn't arrived yet. I considered pulling over just past the hazard sign so I would have a prime viewing spot.

That's when I spotted it, the brightly painted tree trimming truck with one of those elephant sized branch maulers behind it.

Whatever happened to the sign Road Work Ahead?

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