Monday, January 24, 2011

Turbocharged Possum

There was no hesitation on the part of the possum despite being illuminated by the headlights of my car.

The little critter had probably thought it had a clear shot across the winding two lane road... Until I steered my car around the bend just as the possum was reaching the double yellow center line.

With never a thought about changing direction, the possum ramped up from a double to triple time pace. Nose and tail touching the road like a slot car with a pin engaged in the track, the possum's legs were a blur of frantic energy.  I could easily imagine the animal muttering oh crap, oh crap, oh crap as my car rolled ever closer.

A slight turn to the left on my part, coupled by a last second kick in of the possum's built in turbocharger (otherwise known as PANIC) led to the ugly critter reaching safety in the brush along the side of the road.

I can picture him now, quietly hanging from the branch of a fallen tree and boasting to his offspring how he was certain he'd outpace the car right from the start.

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