Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tree Squared

I came across a fun fact today:  In Panama there is a place called "The Valley of Square Trees". It's the only known place in the world where trees have rectangular trunks.

And I got to wondering.... why haven't companies in North America and Canada been working on replanting harvested timberland with these square trees. Think how much easier every part of harvesting and milling would be.  There would be no danger of round logs rolling off trucks, mills wouldn't have to slice off all the "round bits" before cutting flat boards... It would be a boon to the whole industry.

And think how much easier it would be to build a log cabin.

So why.....  Oh, I get it.  Just like the auto industry supposed hushed the existence of a carburetor that supposedly allowed a car to get 65 mpg years ago, the lumber industry has hushed the availability of a "grow your own house"

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