Wednesday, February 3, 2010


It seems it's always bad or sad news that comes in threes - never good news.

Celebrity deaths are a classic example. They come in threes so frequently that whenever we hear of the passing of a celebrity Motivated Mom and I immediately wonder aloud who the next two will be. Even friends call to ask if we've heard the news and to voice their certainty that two more announcements will soon follow.

This week it's been bad news of another kind that arrived in threes. Rather than having far reaching impact, the news was immediate to our family. All three of our vehicles needed some kind of unscheduled repair. Motivated Mom's car needed bodywork and a new windshield. Of the two vehicles that Media Girl and I share, one needed brake repair and the other a new set of tires.

The total figure for the combined maintenance is not a number that generates warm fuzzies.

I could really use a good news trifecta right now. Something along the lines of winning the powerball and the publishers clearing house sweepstakes on the same day that I learn my IRA investments have suddenly tripled in value.

Of course that's not going to happen. Good news doesn't come in threes.

I wonder why that is.

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