Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mall Noise

Over the weekend I was in a shopping mall for the first time in nearly two years.

I can hear the gasps of disbelief.

He's not been in a mall in two years? Unthinkable. UnAmerican I suppose he hates apple pie too.

The minute I stepped through the glass doors I was assailed by noise. Funny, I didn't remember malls being that oppressively loud. Apparently my extended absence from the preferred American shopping venue had weakened my tolerance levels.

Voices echoed from walls to ceilings and rushed past me first in one direction and then another.

I pictured one of those wave machines, an elongated box of clear plastic balanced on a fulcrum and filled with colored water. As the box tips first to one side and then another, a wave of blue water rushes first to one end of the box and then the other.

In the mall it was a wave of noise rather than water that surged past. Nevertheless I fought against the sensation of drowning.

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