Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chain Gang Cold

A resigned acceptance has settled over the folks in this region.

Resignation that layers upon layers of clothing will be a continuing fashion trend and acceptance that the cold weather is not destined to roll out of the area anytime soon.

It's a big change for an area were subfreezing temperatures generally can't maintain the upper hand for more than a week at a time.

The spring has gone out of the local resident's steps - replaced by a tired, slump-shouldered shuffle. It makes me think of a chain gang. People tediously placing one foot in front of the other. Plodding along only because it is the only thing to do.

Oh there are still smiles to be found, but they have taken on a thin, forced quality. And always the smile is followed by a tired nod of a head and a clipped comment about the damnable cold.

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