Sunday, July 19, 2009

Nest With a View

I stopped at a car wash yesterday. One of those wash it yourself places with the high pressure spray gun and the soaping bubble brush.

At this particular car wash I noticed that the hoses for the washing tools were attached to a metal plate directly above the car. As I moved around the car, the plate in the ceiling revolved to keep the hoses from tangling.

I spotted a bird's nest on top of the metal plate and started wondering...

What went through the bird's mind the first time his house stated spinning? It had to be disconcerting to wake to a beautiful sunrise, only to watch the sun disappear - reappear - disappear.

I wondered if the bird realized it had acquired a prime piece of real estate. Once the babies move out, Mama bird can open a restaurant. It could be the aviary version of the space needle in Seattle, Washington.

Mama bird could have sparrows, finches, crows, and gulls all waiting in line for their chance to dine on freshly regurgitated worms while watching the world spin below them.

Although there is the issue of the water spray rising from below. Wait - I have it. Mama could advertise the dining nest as a cross between the Space Needle and Niagara Falls.

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