Monday, June 8, 2009

Toad Puree

Toads love our lawn - it's a fact. Maybe it's because our lawn offers such a nutritious source of edible stalks other than green grass.

I'm always amazed by the amount of toad life in my back yard when I run the weed whacker and the lawn mower. Toads begin hopping by the dozens.

It makes me wonder how I can possibly walk across the yard without the sensation of the earth moving beneath my feet.

There are endless varieties of skin color and markings. Tan toads looking like they have a severe acne problem. Brown toads sporting an advanced case of the measles. Dark brown toads with a mix of stripes and dots.

They all blend in so well that I never see them until their little accordion legs propel them airborne.

Which makes me wonder - how many have I pureed with the lawn mower.

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