Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ark Memo

I missed the memo about needing to build an ark, so now I'm scrambling.

Gads, I can't remember when it has rained so much. I'm beginning to think I should keep a pair of rubber boots with me at all times so that my feet will remain dry while I run for cover when the levee breaks.

I have to admit it might be my fault. I started putting a new roof on a storage shed last week. I started on a sunny, eighty-five degree day. I swear swirling clouds obliterated the sun with my first hammer stroke - and it's been raining ever since.

I'm thinking about putting pontoons on the bottom of the shed so the structure can serve as my ark.

Imagine the expression on the faces of the Aborigines when my little boat washes up on their shores.

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