Friday, June 26, 2009

Outdoor Evening

The weather finally got straightened out, we had a beautiful summer evening, and I was finally able to make use of the screened patio.

Book in hand, I settled into the cushioned wicker chair beside the backyard waterfall. The gurgling water soon had my mind drifting. My book fell forgotten into my lap as the gurgling mixed with the whisper of a gentle evening breeze weaving through the trees.

The breeze swept the aroma of blooming Easter Lilies across the patio just as the sun settled low enough to send beams of light between the tree trunks, through the screen mesh, and into my face.

I squinted against the orange glare - which led to heavy, fluttering eyelids - which led to complete tranquility.

Though I could have sworn I never missed a second of trickling water or sweet smelling blossoms, I blinked my eyes open to darkness.

It had been the perfect outdoor evening.

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