Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Crumple Ice

The local ponds are beginning to freeze again.

Overall our geographic area has been fortunate weather wise. We've had a few days recently where temperatures have spiked into the fifties.

So the ice on the ponds is not that thick, gray, opaque stuff that forms during extended weeks of freezing temperatures.

It's not even that semi-transparent stuff. You know, the seemingly solid ice that develops spider web cracks when you step onto it. The ice that has barely enough strength to support you as it cracks and pops beneath your weight - making you wonder if you should risk one more step forward or slowly edge back toward shore.

The ice that's forming now is that stuff you can see right through. The ice has just enough substance to it that the surface of the pond seems covered in permanent, unmoving ripples. Sort of like someone crumpled up a gigantic ball of cellophane and then tried to stretch it back out.

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