Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Houses and Homes

I'm not sure at what point a house becomes a home.

Some houses never make that transition - somehow the people and the structure just never make the necessary connection.

But when the fit is right, at some point the building changes from a house to a home. Homes are comfortable, warm and inviting - a place that protects you from the chaos of the outside world.

This weekend I was reminded that there are two classifications of homes.

The first classification being a quiet retreat that glows from the accumulation of offered and accepted love. A place where the past is fondly remembered, the present is embraced, and the future is welcome to arrive in its own good time.

Classification number two is a gathering place that pulses with perpetual motion. Where loving interaction is fast paced and energizing and where plans are made with a sense that the moment to grasp life by the tail is now.

One classification is not better than the other. Each environment nurtures lifelong relationships. Having a home that can do double duty is a blessing.

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