Sunday, March 20, 2011

Summer Dressing

It had been my intent to welcome everyone to pre-summer, but it seems a large number of folks have decided to jump directly to summer mode.

Motivated Mom and I were visiting a friend this weekend who lives near one of the big cities in the mid atlantic region. While there were no blooming dogwood trees or brightly colored pansies to be seen, there was no mistaking folks had decided to put the past few months of cold weather nightmare behind them.

Much to my surprise (because I was still using a down vest to buffer the chill) there was an abundance of white skin, short shorts, flip-flops, and sleeveless shirts to be seen in the shopping district.

... And I'm not referring to the manequins in the department store windows.

Wherever I turned people were announcing by their choice of clothing that summer was just around the corner. While I applauded their positive attitude, I found myself questioning the sanity of folks showing more skin than clothes when the still chilly winds of pre-summer had flags snapping like the sails of a schooner racing before a storm.

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