Monday, March 14, 2011

Purple Memories

I found myself reliving the childhood of my children on the drive home this evening.

The retreat into the past was spurred by the car in front of me with a single exhaust pipe. The horn shaped pipe centered in the rear of the car caught my attention even before the unusual purple shade of the car's finish.

Putting the horn and the color together I was suddenly humming a tune from one of the We Sing Silly Songs VHS cassettes that kept my kids entertained for hours. If you have children - or grandchildren - you have probably already figured out the ditty I'm referring to... One eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater.

Just as the video cassette played over and over... and over, so did the song cycle repeatedly through my head for the last 20 minutes of the commute. Even turning on the car radio failed to completely purge the people eater from my thoughts.

It was perhaps the longest drive I've endured in quite some time.

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