Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Expanding Our Universe

Guess who's coming for dinner?  It ain't who you think.

There have been times when I've looked up at a full moon on a crystal clear night and wondered... what if that isn't a moon at all?  what if it's the eyepiece to a cosmic sized microscope?

A rather unsettling thought considering, were it true, it would make me the equivalent of an amoeba on a glass slide.

Of course in the days when I pondered such possibilities I was also devouring the classic book Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Turns out I might just have to brush off that guide.

Thanks to NASA's Kepler space telescope, surveyors of the universe have identified 1,235 possible worlds (and their respective suns). Compared to some of the newly discovered suns, our own UV producing star is little more than a grain of sand.

I'm working on loading up the pantry. No telling when company might drop by.

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