Monday, July 26, 2010

Eyes, Weights, and Catepillars

There are evenings when my eyelids feel made of some material a hundred times the weight of lead. On those evenings the effort I put into keeping my eyes open seems no less than the effort I would expend in attempting to hold a barbell loaded with two hundred pounds of weight over my head.

Tonight is one such night and my struggle to remain focused led me to think of a news story I heard on the radio the other day. It seems a researcher has been studying the locomotive abilities of caterpillars and discovered the insects use a method of locomotion heretofore never dreamed of.

I remember thinking that dreaming is exactly what I would be doing if I had to spend hours, days, and months watching caterpillars crawl.

And with dreaming now seeming so inviting a subject, I will head off to do just that.

You will have to remind me on another night to share the earth shattering discovery of just how a caterpillar moves.

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