Monday, May 25, 2009

Flowering Signs

We think of tulips and daffodils as signs of spring, but I'm noticing another garden trend this year.

Signs are popping up in clusters all over. It seems it requires only a single open house or yard sale sign to start a sign garden. In no time at all, the initial signage is surrounded by a multi-colored assortment. Signs of yellow, red, and blue point the way to savings, bargains, and free tours.

I'm wondering what it is about a single sign that causes so many others to sprout around it. Is it because other advertisers believe a lone placard must be an indicator of an untapped prime marketing location?

Each new advertiser seems to feel it is necessary to outdo the previous in quantity. There is no way to retain all of the information displayed on two dozen signs packed into fifty feet. The only lingering memory is the colorful mix of cardboard and aluminum blossoming atop metal stems.

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