Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Twelve Days

It occurs to me that Christmas itself is a lot like the meals we prepare during this season.  The preparation seems to go on forever. Then in blink of an eye it's over.

Happily, the similarities end there. While overindulging at the dinner table leaves us uncomfortable and regretting our lack of self discipline, the hours spent with loved ones leave us with a spiritual fullness that we embrace and nurture.

Perhaps we should spend more time looking forward to the simply being together and less time fretting over finding the perfect gift. Come to think of it, we should transform the twelve days of Christmas into the twelve months of the year. Once every month we should make it a point to set aside some time devoted solely to sharing the company of those we love most. We should put the day on our calendar and schedule our other obligations around that date rather than trying to squeeze quality time into our agenda.

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