Tuesday, December 6, 2011

This Is A Strategy?

If you heard the sound of someone shaking their head in utter amazement today - it was me.

The U.S. Postal Service, faced with declining business, has decided to address this concern by.... providing LESS value for the money.  Priority mail will no longer be treated as a priority. Rather it will arrive at its destination, well... when it get's there.

This less than astute business decision could be equaled only if the captain of the Titanic had said: Steer directly for that iceberg.

I'm considering investing in horse breeding operations and manufacturers of saddles and bridles since the Postal Service will no doubt next roll out the cutting edge idea of a pony express.

Perhaps, rather than laying off thousands of workers, the Postal Service would be better off giving some of the executives an unpaid leave of absence to read some of those how to succeed in business books that now get delivered by UPS and Fed-X.

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