Thursday, June 23, 2011

Of Music and Youth

There are those times when the cosmic gods smile and everything comes into alignment.

Times when I find myself alone in the house, the lighting is dim, the sound system is turned up to 387 decibels and the music becomes - a physical thing. It is at such moments that I enter the music as though I were stepping into a room. Rather than four walls I found myself surrounded by base notes, vocals, drum beats, and guitar chords.

The everyday world is gone, driven away by the same vibrations that run through the floor, into my feet, and up through my body. It is a special and wondrous opportunity that I know will be all too fleeting.

As I look at what I have just typed (while the music pulses around me) I find myself saying:  My god did I really just write that? It sounds like something that would have spilled from my mouth in my late teens.

... And I realize that music just might be the fountain of youth.

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