Monday, May 9, 2011

King of Many Colors

I had been looking straight at him and in the blink of an eye he disappeared.

Only to raise his his head from a position five feet to the right.  Thing is, his head had changed color.

It was lunch break and I was out on the green watching King Herman, the resident ground hog, forage for tasty bits in the lawn.  The field King Herman occupies is thick with grass of varying hues of green.  In the mere seconds it had taken the heavyweight King to waddle from light to dark green turn, his coat had changed to matching colors. 

And I got to wondering, had his coat changed all at once - or had it been gradual as he crossed into new territory.  If I were to be able to entice the King to walk along a piece of wood painted in two inch wide stripes of different colors, would the groundhog's fur change as quickly as he walked?  Would he look like a psychedelic slinky?

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