Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

It takes a special kind of person to be a really good mother.

Who else but a mother could love a baby covered in vomit just as much as when the baby is cooing and laughing?

Who else but a mother would admire the frog her son carried home in his pocket?

Who else but a mother would patiently teach a daughter to brush her hair one hundred strokes a day?

Who else but a mother would even touch the clothes that have been hiding under a child's bed for a month?

Who else but a mother would cook healthy meals night after night even though her children come up with two hundred and twenty reasons not to eat the vegetables?

Who else but a mother stands ready to embrace a child that has turned his or her back on her?

Who else but a mother accepts a Mother's Day phone call as apology for endless weeks of silence?

When you talk to your mother today, remember to thank her for being special - then call her next month to tell her again.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there.

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