Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco Sombrero

Happy Cinco de Mayo. The annual celebration of the day Mexico defeated the French - along with the annual celebration of the discovery of Tequila.

Well, okay, the second part might not be quite accurate - but there does need to be a day for celebrating the world's foremost alcoholic beverage.

It is on May 5th every year that people of all backgrounds descend on Mexican themed restaurants to consume the best of Mexican cuisine and copious amounts of Margaritas. I was one of those people. I got so caught up in the moment that I donned an enormous sombrero and posed for a roving photographer.

I have to tell you, it requires some well developed neck muscles to support a hat measuring three feet in diameter. Those sombrero's are heavy. No wonder it's a south-of-the border tradition to indulge in an afternoon siesta. It 's either that or commitment to wearing a neck brace.

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