Thursday, November 6, 2008

Return Day

Today, November 6, is Return Day in the state of Delaware. The festivities take place in the city of Georgetown.

The event originated in the 17oo's. Georgetown was where the residents of Sussex County had to travel in order to cast their vote. Two days later, voters returned to Georgetown to hear the election results publicly read out.

A highlight in the day's ceremonies is a parade in which all candidates ride side by side in horse drawn carriages and antique autos. At the conclusion of the parade, there is a ceremonial burying of the hatchet after which the campaigning and election are officially announced to be closed and everyone agrees to work together.

This year's events were particularly historic. Since schools are closed for Return Day, Media Girl headed to Georgetown to see history in the making.

Senator Joe Biden was covering all of his bases this year - running both for the vice president of the U.S. and for Senator of Delaware. In past elections, Senator Biden had always been in attendance for Return Day and it was expected this election year would be no different.

And in fact he did attend. Only not as a Senator returning to another term in office, but as vice president elect.

When we asked Media Girl if she had taken any pictures she replied that she had not - she was too busy talking on her cell phone.

Hmmmm... pictures of the vice president elect of the U.S. riding in a horse drawn carriage through a local town versus carrying on a non stop conversation with friends you see every day.

Have you ever had the urge to knock common sense into somebody?

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