Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Shakin' the Nest

Not that I want a crying baby in the house...but Media Girl better have her baby soon.

Nesting has kicked into high gear in the form of.... cooking and baking.  We're quickly running out of refrigerator space as Media Girl whips up a new bulk batch of something everyday.  Chicken dishes, pasta salad, garden salad, fruit salad, Chinese dishes, brownies, cookies - they're all vying for space in our kitchen.  We'll soon be using the changing table in the nursery as a sideboard.

I thought perhaps some exercise would shake things loose so I took 8-1/2 month pregnant Media Girl outside for some Frisbee tossing.  Running, leaping, and bending was bound to get something moving.  It did - me.  I was running from one side of the yard while Media Girl honed her tossing skills.

Maybe drinking a glass of water upside down.... it's supposed to cure hiccups. Maybe it will spur labor.

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