Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Snakes and Tails

Snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of.

There are no little boys hanging around our house these days, but as far as Motivated Mom's concerned there's way too many of the things little boys are made of.

Few things in the world creep Motivated Mom out like a snake. With all of this heat, snakes seem to be coming out of - well, wherever it is snakes usually hide - at an amazing rate. After nearly stepping on a slithering snake measuring a little over two feet in length and having the diameter of a buffalo nickle, I don't know that Motivated Mom will be going into the back yard any more this year.

Then there's the whole puppy dog tail thing. Motivated Mom has ended up spending more time taking care of Media Girl's dog than Media Girl does. And while I think Motivated Mom would really like to love the dog, well... the dog is just too stupid to be lovable.

Ready to start enjoying the solitude of empty nesting, Motivated Mom finds herself accosted on all sides.

No doubt there's a sainthood waiting for her somewhere.

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