Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hopscotch Relearned

Christmas has come and gone and though the holidaydecorations are put away, our house is definitely not back to normal. A fully mobile baby has seen to that.

While Christmas decorations have been returned to boxes, the normal table-top doo-dad's have not been returned to their rightful places. To put anything within reach of Miss Grabby-Fingers would be to invite disaster.

Yet our house does not seem barren and empty - quite the opposite. The inventory of Santa's Workshop seems to have found  its way to our family room.

There are things that squeak, things that rattle, things that roll, and things that bounce - and some that squeak rattle and roll all at the same time. Any one of these items is capable of holding Miss Grabby-Fingers' attention for about...ohhh...fifteen seconds.

Which means that by the end of any given day getting from one side of the family room to the other requires feats of dexterity first learned in my own childhood games of hopscotch.

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