Monday, January 21, 2013

False Sunlight

It's a false promise...January sunlight.

Shining through the window of a building or automobile January sun promises nurturing warmth.  But dare to open a door and all that remains of sunlight is...light.

So it was interesting to note the faces of those who ventured outdoors on Sunday. Looks of startled relief and whispers of do you feel that came from all directions.  For, if you stood in a place sheltered from wind, there was the suggestion of spring warmth.

It was enough to draw people out of doors again on Monday wearing only lightweight coats or sweaters. Hats and gloves were left behind. But oh those poor souls shivered and shook when greeted by the breeze that carried nothing of warmth.

And now the forecast is peppered with temperatures nearing single digits. Temperatures that will feel all the colder for that one-day promise of warmth.

But what else could we expect from such an unfriendly month?

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