Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Unexpected Shower

You may have seen them in your travels, the irrigation systems used by farmers - hundreds of feet of pipe supported by what looks like a series of rolling erector sets. From the hundreds of feet of pipe spews hundreds of gallons of water to nourish the crops when mother nature isn't cooperating.  And you may have noticed the occasion when, as the moving water work swings near a highway that the water jets out across the roadway.

I can assure you the man in the BMW convertible noticed the jetting water.  Hemmed in on all sides by traffic, the driver had no choice but to endure the unexpected shower that dampened both him and the interior of his car. Windshield wipers on and shoulders pulled up to his ears, the suited driver did his best to look nonchalant as his hair went from fluffy to plastered flat to his head.

Perhaps in the future he'll keep an umbrella within reach when indulging in top down driving.

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