Sunday, May 20, 2012

An Earthy Breath

In...out, in...out, in...out.   I was listening carefully. Not to my breathing but to the whispering ebb and flow of the foaming ocean across hard-packed sand.

In...out, in...out, in...out. Then is was my breath I was listening to; realizing I had subconsciously matched my breathing to the surge of the ocean.

And it occurred to me that the heaving of the ocean is the breathing of mother earth... and that we, children of the earth, respond to her moods just a babies respond to their human mothers.

When angry and anxious mother earth breaths heavily, sending oceans pounding to shore where people mill about with an unsettled anxiousness of their own.

In a clam and mellow mood mother earth's breaths are feathery things that send ripples across the vast bodies of water. At the ocean's edge these gentle waves are received as lullabies that lull us into comfortable afternoon naps.

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