Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Motivated Mom's Motto

A place for everything and everything in it's place.  These are the words Motivated Mom lives by.

Right now there is very little in our house that is in its assigned place.  My office chair is surrounded by the contents of emptied bookcases and cabinets.  Dining room furniture is shoved askew to accommodate ladders and drop cloths.  The center of the living room is piled high with boxes of laminate flooring, and the kitchen - well the kitchen has just enough in it to cook simple meals  - everything else is piled in the guest room.

I detected Motivated Mom's eye twitches as soon as the carpet came up - a sure sign she was stressing though she was polite enough not to make any comments.  But when the ladders, brushes, drop cloths, and rollers moved in Motivated Mom moved out.

Actually she was sent out of town on business - but I noticed she wasn't doing any complaining.

With a little luck, by the time Motivated Mom returns, Media Girl and I will have moved the painting accessories back into storage.

Then the real fun begins when we try to cram three rooms of furniture into one while the flooring goes down.

Perhaps Motivated Mom will volunteer for another road trip.

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