Sunday, August 14, 2011

Inside Voice Please

I realized immediately I should have used my inside voice.

The immediate and extended family was spending the day at the beach. Somewhere around high noon, Media Girl and I ventured into the surf for a reprieve from the building heat. After diving into a series of breaking waves, we got our feet under us.

By a pure stroke of luck, we found ourselves looking out toward the horizon when a seven foot long creature leapt straight out of the ocean.  The breathtaking event happened some hundred yards off shore, but I was still able to recognize the distinctive shape of a sand shark.

Did you see that shark? I asked Media Girl.  That was awesome!

Voices sounded all around me. Shark? Where? Do we need to get out of the water?

I knew a sand shark wouldn't be a threat to the swimmers, but no one stuck around long enough for me to explain that.

Yep, I definitely should have used my inside voice.

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