Thursday, August 18, 2011


The recent rains have led to the resurrection of the amphibian orchestra.

Hot, dry, quiet nights are thing of the past now that water loving creatures of the night have something to sing about.  The concert builds nightly from a simplistic overture to amazingly complex sets of music.

The beginning act consists of the bullfrog section sending base notes vibrating into the dusk. Then the tree frogs join with their enthusiastic staccato mid-range. As the darkness deepens the fluctuating chirping and buzzing of a multitude of pond dwellers brings the night fully alive.

The layers of sound become tangible things that I feel I could almost pull apart. Of course do to that I'd have to get right up to the edge of the pond, and by the time I got that the close the decibels would have set my ears ringing and the gradients of music would be lost to me.

I'll just have to settle for being a distant aficionado.

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